Wednesday 19 January 2011

Happy New-ish Year!

OK OK I went quiet for a bit - it's not too difficult to guess why - we bit off more than we could chew last term. But chew it we did, and slowly, slowly swallowed it. (I'm not sure where this analogy has come from, and it's not that pleasant so I'll get on.)

So, as Evie says, we're "through with baby Jesus" . He's so last year. We're on to 'growing things' if you're in Reception class, 'birds' if you're in Year 3 and 'space' if you're getting on a bit and in Year 5. Yes, in school you get the luxury of a brand new topic every term. However in real life you find you're still catching up from last term. Us Nichols, we're still eating everything up from last term! We even ended up with chocolate spoons over Christmas. I think this invention neatly sums up the spirit of Christmas these days: "We can't possibly make do with normal spoons over Christmas!! We must have spoons of pure chocolate!!" (*clap clap* spoons magically appear, stage left). It is no great hardship to eat everything up of course, and we are soldiering on with the task. We will not be beaten until the very last chocolate button has gone.

In an effort to counterbalance all this chomping, hubs and I are going to go dancing tonight. Get ready Worthing, to receive the gift that is.... Nichols and Nichols Dance Troupe. It is time for us to give something back to the town. It has to be said we don't have a good track record with dancing, but we're way more mature than the days where I'd strop off because Col wouldn't stop shimmying or embellishing the moves the teacher told us. And Col's way more understanding than the days where he'd beg me incessantly to jump into his arms without any back up. What can possibly go wrong this time. It's jivey-cerocy-hipetty hoppy, it'll be marvellous, you wait.

And after that - ohhh the joy of perfect television: Mary Portas taking on the issue of bad service in shops in Britain. I can barely contain myself. It is one of my all time pet peeves - don't even get me started.....

Appendix 1: For more sensitive readers we wish to make it clear that in no way do we really consider Jesus to be 'last year' but very very present and relevant in all ways on all days.